There’s a reason you’ve reached this point. You’re wondering if I’m the right photographer to capture those important moments in your life, where not only you and your parter participate, but so do the people you love.
Looking for someone to shoot the pictures at your wedding is becoming more and more difficult because of the amount of options in the market. You need a good advice to pick the best one.
Imagine that you’re looking for a painter to request a portrait and you see a list with names like Picasso or Van Gogh. They’re both great artist, but before you can pick one, you’ll have to be certain which style do you like more, because they’re totally different. Well, same thing happens in photography.
The first thing to know is that, for me, your wedding day is not just another job, but a very special moment to create unique photographs, with you as the protagonists. Each and every one of my clients is special, and this is going to reflect the pictures that I’ll capture for you with style and creativity.
Photography is what I love the most in life, more than a job, it is my passion. So, don’t doubt for a moment that my disposition and dedication will give you the magnificent result you’re looking for.
Let’s make that long-awaited moment last forever.
Sincerely, your photographer in Paris.